We all want our lives to be a wonderful adventure. Just not a risky one. We like the idea of jumping off into never, but don't want to take the first step into the unknown. So instead of taking a chance we buy a ticket to Disneyland. Instead of running into the woods just miles from our homes, we buy a ticket to some faraway city where you know a Starbucks and a Big Mac will be waiting; not that you want them, but just in case.
Fear is a great way to excuse yourself from life. It works on the subconscious level to generate the most logical of excuses why NOT to do something. That way, your conscious mind tells you, it's not fear, but logic that is driving you.
Unfortunately its brother - regret - is just a few days behind. You see, regret and fear work together very well. Regret makes you feel bad that you didn't act. But it also provides a moment for your brain to search for all those reasons why it was good that you did nothing. After all, and here is the best excuse I have heard, you are still here aren't you?
But are you here? Are you truly aware of what you are doing? Or are you just living life by habit and rote? Are you just following your 40,000 year old programming without questioning the life you are leading? Or are you taking a step away from the herd and seeing what exists for yourself - not just physically, but also emotionally.
There is a big difference between taking a small risk and living by your small fears. But the emotional reward is night and day. So be aware of which one is driving your choices, and start enjoying the emotions that mean you're alive.
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